It's Adventure Time!

Word Count :: 511 Now I'm sorry for the wait. D: I wanted to give you a good post and I've been tired the last few days, I apologize. <3

His hind legs were plunged into frigid cold water, and he almost stopped moving, it was so cold. Panic rose in him, and he thrashed against the current, trying his hardest to get back on top of the rock. Before he could do anything, though, Delwyn was there. His small puppy muzzle clamped onto Harlowe's scruff and yanked him to safety, hauling him up and over the side of the boulder and onto dry land. The creamy-coated male collapsed into a heap instantly, shivering and shaking with fright and the cold of the water. His olive-colored eyes were squeezed shut tightly, afraid to see the rest of the world, afraid to look at his companion. Harlowe looked and felt like a fool now, and he figured rightly so—he hadn't made the jump that his younger companion had managed to make, despite the disparity in age.

When he opened his eyes again, it was just in time to see Delwyn swept off of the edge of the waterfall, plunging swiftly downwards to the pool of water below. The creamy-furred child leapt to the edge of the rock, laying flat on his belly with his paws dangling over the lip of the rock, peering over the edge and down into the waterfall, straining his jade-colored eyes to find his companion. He didn't see Delwyn anywhere, and panic rose in him again. Forcing himself to stand upright, the tawny-furred youth whirled about on his feet and bounded back down the side of the waterfall as quickly as he could. He didn't want to dive into the water from that height—Delwyn hadn't immediately resurfaced, so there was no reason he would fare any better.

Harlowe stood at the side of the pool, his chocolate-dipped ears pinned to the sides of his skull. His little heart thumped wildly in his chest, and his olive-colored eyes were wide. He should go and find an adult, he knew that, but if he took too long... well, he wouldn't think about that. He took a deep breath and backed up a few steps, and motored himself forward, propelling himself into the water. He had swam before, and though he wasn't exceptionally strong when it came to swimming, he probably wouldn't drown. Probably. As he was sailing out over the water, his front legs bent and his back legs stretched behind him in something of a dive, he thought he heard laughter.

Then he just heard the churning water all around him, and he was tumbling end over end, completely submerged in freezing cold water, taking the same path beneath the water as Delwyn had accidentally taken. After a moment the youth exploded from the water, in the same shaded and damp place where Delwyn was. The dazed youth looked around, blinking several times as he dragged himself out of the shallower and calmer water behind the waterfall, coughing and sputtering. “You frightened me there,” he said. “I thought you went under the water.” Harlowe didn't sound particularly upset or particularly bothered, just relieved that Delwyn was alright.

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