A new begaining
Tubur watched as the forest opened up letting him take his first glance at his new home. It was big, rising as high as the trees with a nice little garden around its bass.He had never been in a house before hadn't even seen one before but now that he had he know why his father was so strongly aganced anything human. It just looked so unnatrul, like a oversized cactus in a bright, blomming forest. It just didn't belong. Then again who was he to blame the pack for living in the manor, he hadn't even been in it yet.

The manor, of course, was made by humans and was intended for humans to use not wolves, so he guessed he would have to shift from his Lupus form into his Optime form in order to use the building like it was made to be used. He stopped for a second to let his commander get a step in front of him and then he began to shift. First the fur on the back of his neck began grew larger and thicker forming a mane type thing. Seconds later his arms begain to change, his elbow moving down and his upper arms growing large and long to form more human like arms. At the same moment new joints began to appear on his ankles and wrists and his haunches began to change into thighs. The shift was over in seconds leaving a more human like body, darker fur, and light brown eyes.

Tubur slowly stood up and countinued to follow Savina towards the house once again walking next to her. " This " Tubur said nodding towards the manor that now stood about three yards away " is the first house I have seen."

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