you me and a sunset
Ayita smiled as he congratulated her. "Thank you if only you could meet her brother as well." she said smiling. "They are Leroy and my pups though he and I are no longer together we havent been since they were born in october." She stated. She didn't normally talk about it. But since strel didn't know she might as well tell him. "Kable and Amaranth." she said. "They are my pride and joy."

"Oh him. Ya" She said smiling. "I don't even know if he's looking." She said with a wink. "Though for a handsome young man like yourself shouldn't you go after younger men? He may be to old for your liking." She said. Semi serous semi not. She didn't mind she wondered if her brother was even into the same sex. hmm that could be a good question to ask during a break in the fight.

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