


Happily ignorant of his surroundings, Cassius continued on into the city. What he needed to look for were a couple things; mainly hardware shops, big or small, some home improvement stores, which most likely had supplies for the greenhouse, and maybe some clothing stores, so Cassius could indulge in some more variety of human apparel. Cassius himself had quite an affinity for clothing, although most Luperci didn't. It was another thing that marked him as "odd" or "different" among Luperci. He liked that it made him an individual. Sometimes he liked being noticed. Also, up here it was definitely colder than it usually was in New Orleans. Especially in the winter, where it snowed. He never got any snow down South. Even though the white powder was fun at first, it was a major pain to travel through. The swamps and bayous were a cinch for Cass, although were quite a challenge to any outsiders that attempted a trek through them. Anyone who didn't know the swamps like the back of their hands were doomed to get lost, or get trapped.

Still with the thought of his home in mind, Cassius strolled up to what seemed like a small hardware shop. The grabbed and shook the door handle, but it was firmly locked. A glance at the windows showed they were all still intact, which was a good sign that the equipment inside was untouched. He reached into his bag and pulled out some tape. The door had some windows on it and he placed strips of tape in an "+" across a small pane. He put the tape back in his bag, and he used his elbow to strike the glass. Since it was quite weak, the glass broke easily and stuck to the tape, letting Cass' elbow end up unscathed. The hybrid pushed the glass out of the way and he reached inside, grabbing the handle on the other side and opening the door. Easy as pie.

Inside the store was extremely dusty. The store was obviously untouched, it looked like it was still open for business. The tools and parts lay neatly around the shop, as if an employee had just organized them. This was going to be quite simple. The goggle-toting coyote searched up and down the aisles for the tools and parts he needed. A pack of screws here, a few scraps of metal there, it was all good fun for Cass. Hardware stores were like candy stores to him, only nothing was safely edible. After he had gotten what he needed, Cass slipped his way of the store. Going down an aisle, he tripped over something that clinked and shook as he fell to the ground beside it. He turned to find a stripped-to-the-bone skeleton. It freaked him out for a moment, but then realized that it was in fact dead. The bones had absolutely no meat on them, and the skull looked quite clean. Interested, he pulled the skull off it's place, with some of the spine attached. It would be an interesting addition to the borders, or maybe Kaena (or even Halo) would like it. He also took a femur, which could be fashioned into something decorative. He placed both in his bag, and walked out of the store.

As he exited the store, he happened to notice a body outside. It was living, breathing, and moving. However, Cass (who was high on his scavenging spree) took no care for that right now. He wanted to go out, and get more provisions for his own needs. He took out a list, which was written down on some paper, and he crossed out a couple items that he got from the hardware store. The rest of the list, which wasn't exactly that long, was mostly found in some home improvement store, so the hybrid figured that was his next destination. He happily placed it in his bag and merrily bounced his way to the next store. The wolf (which he didn't know was a wolf), was placed in the back of his mind for now, and his "shopping list" was his current business.

Word Count: 600+


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