The Sky is The Limit
( Word Count- 208)

The cool spring wind blew Eima's white and silver fur as she followed Ember. She wasn't sure where she was going, but if she had a guess it would be towards the heart of the territory. She found herself getting fidgeting. If they where heading towards the heart of the territory and if that was where most of the wolves lived then she might have a small problem on her hands. She had never done to well when it came to crowds since she had lived with one person and didn't really have anyone else to talk to with, but she could deal. If having a home meant having to deal with crowds then that’s what she would have to do.

" I can do the normal every day stuff like hunting, fighting, ect." Her mother had taught her the how to hunt and fight since her father had disowned her at birth. " I have also taken care of a horse before with my father" The horses name was buttercup and it was mainly her fathers horse but he had let her feed it and he even let her ride it once, but he had taken it when he left her mother and she hadn't seen it since.

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