Overwhelming life

WC: 376 OOC : No worries Big Grin

She smiled at the poor frightened wolf. When she was a pup she was afraid of horses. Until she watched her mother work with them, breaking them in to love the wolves around them, and sit of them and ride them. As her mother was doing that she was teaching Lili how to respect he horses, treat them kindly and she would get the same, love and nurture them as they were her own children and they would be as loyal as any child would, maybe better than others. Soon Lili found the love for the big things grow inside her. She had always wanted to take over her mothers work, it seemed she would be now.

Horses tend to feel more confident when one’s afraid and use that fear against them. So, don’t be afraid, swallow your fear. Horses don’t hurt us unless they fear for their lives, or are being hurt, so don’t hurt them or make mean comments to the. On rare occasions they just don’t like you, and well then just stay away with that one, they are big… but bigger babies.

She could tell Yumiko’s uneasiness around the horses and she sure wasn’t going to instigate it by leaving her in the barn much longer. She was absolutely terrified of spiders, as small as they were the creepy crawly too many limbed animal just was too much for her.

Come on, let’s get out of here, and yes I love horses, my mom trained them for other packs all over. Mostly for those who didn’t want to break a horse, we traveled all over.

She said moving away from the stallion’s stall over to the light of the sun outside.

I’m a bit new here so I don’t know my way around here much. Maybe you could give me an overview?

She asked hoping it would keep her new friend’s mind off the horses. They’d exited to where they could see the fields, which grew some kind of plants. Lili never really grew anything she’d always been wandering around so what they were she had no idea. Though she could tell they were planted there on purpose, she wondered if the tribe did that or if something else did.

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