Where the heart is

I needed a table change and reading that first paragraph made me baw because my guyinterest is like that :|

Anatoliy never really thought about girls - women now, weren't they? - and did not really know that this woman had anything other than what was at hand on her mind. He had never really wondered what the other girls thought of him, since most of the girls he had been around at home were his cousins and aunts and other relatives. Even the neighboring girls did not appeal to him since he had grown up with quite a few of them and he had already left before he really realized that girls existed and that boys like him could actually feel things for them. Needless to say, he was dense in the goings on between two interested genders but he still knew how to flirt, though Liliya once told him he only realized what he did half the time. Anatoliy had to agree; he barely understood flirting and then what liking someone like that really meant. Now, he did notice the way the woman had the curves, but looked sturdier than the very dainty women that seemed to run amok in the world. Oddly, he actually started noticing women now, though he had met few of them. This one was just another person, so he figured it was easier to ignore the fact she was female, at least mostly.

The Russo shrugged. He had not been insulted with his questions since he had long since started to disregard any of those comments be they benign or malicious. "No, I not mind. I am tall, I cannot change zhat, so vhy vorry?" Then, grinning, he added, "Beside, the view is better up here." There had been no sexual connotations there, but it suddenly seemed like it. But, unable to take it back, he just bit his tongue lightly. Besides, what damage could that little phrase possibly do? The brunette shrugged again, wondering when he was last in a real fight. Huh, he could not remember. "Never have had need for a fight. Always scared everyone else. I can sit on zhem and zhey do not vant to fight."

Raising his hands up to stop the woman from continuing, Anatoliy nodded. "I see, zhat is a good reason to leave. But zhis is good, yes? Zhis place seems less veecious. But ve'll see." The seigneur had no idea what was in store here and he hoped it was going to be good. That was the point of the new world, right? Ages past it was the place to go to get a new start and to get somewhere good, somewhere better, somewhere bright. Sure, he came accidentally, but it had to be better here. Hopefully.

How long was he on the boat? Man, he could not even remember that. "More zhen a week for sure. About a month or so. Maybe month and ten days." Hell, it got him in good shape so it must have been a while for all that manual labor to get those muscles up from helping doing some lifting at home and around the docks. "But it vas hard vork for sure." Anatoliy nodded at his own comment, but laughing at Anann's statement. "Yes you can, zhough I don't know how to take zhat." It felt like an odd comment to make. He looked down at his chest, raising an eyebrow. "Vhy, did I suddenly get more muscles?" He poked as his own chest, glad that it was no longer the flab of his puppyhood and more flat. "Does zhis look like I boofed up?"

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