On a hunt!

Briefly, she glanced down at her forepaws and back at Niro, smiling gently and nodding. It was typical of Orin to live it up, play up the injury and pretend to be more tousled than she really was, but this wasn’t the time and finally something in her was finally beginning to discern when these antics were appropriate. They had both been pretty jostled in this hunt, it had been quite haphazard, and Niro had most likely sustained just as many bumps and bruises as she had. It would not be fair to fake the intensity of the injury and worry him after all this work.

“I’m fine,” she crooned. “It doesn’t hurt that bad, just a little sprain. I’ll change back to Optime before we head back. Alaine probably has a poultice or herb that’ll soothe it ‘til it feels better.” She twisted and began nosing at her tail, pulling out twigs and leaves that she had gathered during her little ride on the doe’s back.

“How about you, you ok?” She lifted her head and chuckled at him. “Well what are you waiting for? Dig into your kill already!”


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