Where the heart is


Golden fingers idly ran across the top of the grass shoots growing at her side. Feeling the blades run lightly across the pads of her fingers. Occasionally she would wrap a longer blade around her finger, plucking it from the ground. Twirling it idling between her fingers until it became lost and the process started anew. The activity was preformed absent mindedly. Her eyes never faulted from the Russian despite the idle nature of her hands. She was helplessly intrigued with the man and it was him that her hands truly wished to seek out and touch. "The view looking up isn't so bad either." Her tone light and playful. "It is always nice when a fight can be avoided with intimidation, but its just as nice to be prepared when it does not. I have trained with sword and spear since I was quite young. Though I'm much happier to make use of my leather crafting skills rather than those of the blade."

The flutter in her stomach persisted. Reluctant to act on such emotions, Anann did her best to keep them below the surface. Perhaps with a few drinks she would act on such things without worry that the young man would not appreciate her advance. As it were she felt Anatoliy had little interest in her. At least he made no appearance of such things. Besides was the flutter and twist in her stomach fueled by anything but lust. "I don't think I would want to spend a day at sea, let alone a month." Used to waves of graze across the plains, Anann much preferred solid ground beneath her paws. Unsure of what effect the heaving, swaying deck of a ship would have on her. Certainly it could not be enjoyable.

The golden fem's comment about the rather fit Russian man's body had slipped from her lips before she could even think to still her tongue. At his response to it, Anann could feel heat like a fire in her cheeks. Her eyes quickly falling to the ground at her feet stretched out before her. Her audits pressing against her skull for a split second in a brief reaction of embarrassment. Something almost foreign to woman who was often confident to a fault. What gave him such power over her? Her dark brown eyes once again turning towards the Russian. Once again roaming over his crouched body before falling inevitably to his face. "No, you did not suddenly get more muscles." She laughed, somewhat nervously. "But I must admit, I'm finding it hard not to stare." Her cheeks still burned and she wished she had not said that. Her own words taking her by surprise as they left her lips. Eyes once again watched her own feet. Afraid to the reaction to her words. Wishing fervently that they had went unspoken. Her eyes rose from her feet, looking out to where Rem had been grazing only to find the horse had moved rather close. Only a couple yards off to her side. The stallion was giving the woman an look. His brows raised curiously and a look of amusement to his features. It was as if knew all to well what was going on. Rem, go away! she said annoyed, tossing a short stick at the horse. Though there was no danger it would strike him. He trotted off, shaking his head and tossing his mane about. Only further annoying Anann.

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