Stepping stones

OOC: thanks I love it too Big Grin

He smiled when Anann seemed interested in his project, it made the whole thing more worth it.

I’ll be sure to find you once I have a few trained

He said sincerely although at her next question, Niro’s face dimmed. Would he have loved to train birds, but knowing this was a new life for him, a way to start over he smiled again, and shook his head no

Best time to start is now I suppose. I am just having trapping problems but once that’s done and over with I’ll be good as gold.

The mention of leather perked Niro back up to his full and utmost happy attention ever. He love working with his hands, and something like leather crafting would be just up his ally, he’d already learned how to cure a hide and make it into leather, that’s how he made his pouch but he’d never learned how to sew leather together to make it into anything more than something really simple.

Could you really? Gloves would be a blessing, I know those talons could be a bit much for my fur but I know I have to work with what I have, do you think you could teach me some? I know a little about leathermaking, I taught myself, I made the sling around my shoulder, it isn’t the best but it does its business, but I’d love to have something else to work with.

He said with enthusiasm, he was smiling and his hand rubed on the leather pouch he’d made. He was loving this place more and more.

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