The one who doesn't belong.

ooc- OMNOM Big Grin I have not met you before <3 Plus I am sorry that Cass is all angsty, i feel angsty and so cass is too D:

The sun had come up, shining gleefully through Cass' window and onto his sleeping form, which laid sprawled on his futon bed. His face became covered in light and, disgruntled, he swung at the light and shouted. "GO AWAY!" he screamed. He was so loud he probably would've woken up the whole house. He grunted and slammed his arm on the covers. The hybrid then looked up with baggy purple eyes and then proceeded to slide lazily from the futon and onto the floor, like a child who didn't want to get up for school in the morning. He stood up slowly and scratched his chest through the white shirt he wore. He picked up his flannel from the chair and slipped his arms into the sleeves. Cass then grabbed his goggles and slipped them lazily on his head. He opened the door, walked out, and then slammed it shut. Today was not a good day.

He wandered outside and out into the depths of Inferni. His eyes showed deep hatred for this certain day. He didn't feel like he wanted to be alive at this time. He picked up a rock on the ground, which was a good sized one about the size of his hand. He tossed it for a bit in his palm, and then for no reason whatsoever, proceeded to scream and throw the rock a far distance. "AAAAAARGH!" Cass roared as his arm flung the rock like a catapult. He watched the rock as it flew off into the distance and land with a thud after a few seconds. The hybrid huffed and snarled at the rock. He felt so pent up with anger that he didn't care what the rock did or didn't do to him. Everything needed to just die today. This feeling... Cassius didn't like it.

Word Count: 300+


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