M - daydream milk and genocide.


Noir did not understand. This woman was nice to her. The girl was far from skilled at reading faces. Her eyes saw no clearer than when she was the small child that believed the world was made by sunshine and rainbows. She did however have a little more experience. Brennt had spoken to her before he had made her hurt, and this woman too spoke to her. She spoke with prettier words and seemed to appreciate her. Brennt had seemed confused and perhaps he had just been really hungry and believed her to be a golden rabbit of some kind. Noir could not understand why someone would hurt another being, especially not if they did not know each other.

Her new friend said friend and Noir’s steps hesitated, because it was rude to walk out on your friends, especially when they were talking to you. As the saw the dark hued hand reach out for her wrist, she suddenly understood Kinigisdi’s silent words as clear as if the bird had screamed them out aloud. Run. A gasp escaped her dark lips as pain suddenly grasped her wrist together with her dark friend’s hands. The scent of blood reached the young girl’s nostrils a split moment after and she realized at once that it was hers. Golden eyes pleaded with the other as she with horror watched claws coated with her own blood finds their way to the older woman’s lips. Why would she do such a thing? The bird continued to peck at her desperately and pale ears took in the furious quack quacks of her beloved Baby Duck.

She continued to step backwards; too shocked to grasp the obvious fact that she should flat out run away as fast as her ivory legs could carry her. This woman had harmed her – but why! Why? Why? ”Why?” the girl breathed out with a voice hurting vocally with the silent pain embracing her wrist. Why? Her golden eyes did not drop to see her loved bird child charge at the other. She wanted to hurt Noir! Was she like Brennt? Was she Brennt? Still her legs refused to turn her lithe frame around and carry her away. Noir did not know this woman. Golden orbs were still dry as the shock held back some of the emotional pain that was starting to wash through the foolish girl.

Run, run, run! As Kinigisdi's wings took flight, Noir turned from the evil woman and started to run.

Table by Alli

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