What great days these are
Ayita smiled as she looked at her mate happily talking with another member. She was hoping that In this place she would not make many enemies and so far she had come to make good friends in that pack but tended not to want to venture out of the pack to make or find friends.

Oh well maybe she just can't come to terms with not all things said or written down may not be true. So wolves that read tend to get very wrapped up in it and think that anything written is true or was true. Ayita said smiling. She was a reader of books but she could get a good grasp about weither or not they were true. There were some stories she knew were not true but deep down she wished they were. She had read quite a few books about such things like vampires and humans that turned into wolves.

Ayita looked at Niro and Vigi. "Oh don't tell me she's the girl with the crazy colored fur" amaranth was talking about. Vigilante and Amaranth had come home one day from hunting and Amaranth was going on about this wolf she met with pink hair and how she wanted pretty hair colors too. It didn't really bother her but her daughter for a few days was on the crazy color fur train. Well that was one thing Ayita didn't like.

"Well you could pick up a duty or you could just help out with pack hunts and such. I have yet to pick up a stable job." Ayita said smiling she didn't know to much about it but she does what she can to help the pack out.

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