Stepping stones

WC: 323

The main reason is for the sky advantage, since we hunt things bigger than the birds, but they can help in other ways

he hadn’t thought about wars or anything. He was thinking along the lines of smaller game and also messages between packs, that would be slightly more difficult thought but if he could implement it, things would probably be different. When she went back to the leatherwork talk, he was stuck on it. He was so happy he would get to be taught how to do better with leatherworking he wanted to leap with pure joy. But he surpressed the need and answered instead

No I have not met him yet but I’ll make it a priority to when I have the chance!

His life was going to be full of excitement, and wonder, the days were sure to go by too fast for him now because he’ll have a lot to do. The blood drained from his face at the mention of a horse, he was not terrified of them, he didn’t mind touching them or patting them but riding them? He never gave it a thought before. He knew others did that was ok with him but he wasn’t so sure about himself being on the back of a horse.

I… think we should take it one step at a time, horses are cool and all but maybe a lesson now might be too much for me.

He said nervously, he was interested in the thought but he doubted he’d be a very good horsewolf. He’d figure it out later, maybe if he got bored.

Although the defense lessons wouldn’t be so bad.

He didn’t want to be vulnerable anymore, since he was when he was in florida, he learned some things or he wouldn’t be alive today, but if someone was willing to teach him something he didn’t already know he’d be up for it any day.

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