building houses out of matchsticks

Table © Alaine
ooc: X3

The dark figure spun around at his cry of greeting, and Caillen faltered slightly, his ivory hand dropping back down to his side as a strange voice rang out over the dunes. dark navy ears flicked back at the youth's brows rose in surprise - What a STRANGE voice this man had! And him, a ninja?

" I W-W-WISH, sir!"

Caillen called back as the other finally caught sight of him. The slate wolfdog's voice only trembled slightly with that stutter he'd been working so hard to get rid of, which pleased him. Having forgotten his initial hesitance, the not-yet-a-man wolfdog scrambled up towards the other, smiling merrily all the while. As he got nearer, it became obvious that this other fellow was not from his pack, nor of any other pack he had smelt before. When they were close enough for conversation, the other male spoke up, his own tone sheepish now as if ashamed by his initial fright. Caillen's owlish sky-blue eyes widened as he drank in the other's appearance. Why, this was not a wolf at all! It must be... But no, he couldn't be a 'yote, he just seemed so... Not... Angry. The wolfdog blinked in confusion.

" Yes, sir... Sorry, sir."

If there was one thing Caillen did well, it was manners. He'd had them drilled into him since he could speak! Alaine was very strict about making a humble first impression, and as such, the title of respect came naturally to the teen without any thought over the matter. When the other held out his hand, Caillen beamed, and shook it vigorously... Perhaps squeezing the other's hand a little too hard. Despite their age differences, Cai was just about the same height as the other, and his frame overflowed with strength he wasn't quite aware of.

" Pleased to meet you, Mr Cass, Sir! Caillen Winters, explorer extraordinaire, at your service!"

His enthusiasm was brimming, distracted only when the wind caught in his scarf and he had to release the other's hand to wrap it about his neck once more. Then, with innocent thoughtfulness, the adolescent peered at the man inquisitively once more.

" I say, Sir, you are a funny-looking sort. What exactly are you?"

Speak think walk


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