[M] Imagine

table © Alaine
ooc: :3

His heart was drugged with the potent poison of her lips, which curved like an archer's bow into a smile so deadly it might have pierced his chest. Electricity sparked all along his skin, little currents of energy that jolted his frame in a slight step towards her, this luscious, female figure that swayed down towards him from her secret hiding place. The young man felt torn; There were warning bells, chiming faintly in the corners of his mind, red flags waving and murmured voices trying to pull his reality back into focus. The immortals should never be trusted - they care little for mortal life. What are we but playthings to them, who last for an eternity? What are we but ants, crawling through the might of their sovereign power? But it was useless, useless to deny himself the gratification of looking upon her.

How long had it been, now since he'd looked upon a girl? Those soft curves sang sweetly to his blood, with pounded thick in response. Too long. Too long. But the youth was an innocent; he did not, could not, recognize the feelings she stirred in him, and knew only of an awe that built within him like a volcano, spewing heat through his body.

Her voice was soft, musical, exotically light. It chimed in his ear like siren song, and Caillen did not hear the warning beneath it. Entranced, he could only watch with those owlish sky-blue eyes, orbs the hue of a tomorrow and a tomorrow and a tomorrow sky, eyes the color of melting ice, of the first winter snow. Her own were blood red, excitingly large, frames by thick lashes that fluttered sweetly. Nymph! Sylph! Praise to thee!

She stopped, just out of reach. Her scent enveloped him, sweet and wild, drugged the poor imbecile.

" My n-n-name... I am Caillen. Caillen Winters, lady of the forest. Please, I pray, kind and beautiful nymph... I have nothing to give you..."

He should have prayed last night before he slept. He should have thanked the forest guardians for that hare he'd eaten. Why, oh, why had he forgotten?! Surely, she knew about the hare. Surely, she would be angry by his lack of respect. Immediately, the handsome young fool dropped to one knee, bowing his head before her.

" Forgive me, l-l-lady. I am unworthy."

Speak think walk


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