M - daydream milk and genocide.


Whatever lurked in the sable-shaded canine was far younger and far more immature than the ancient thing lurking in Haku. Eris did not know her father and the history there, the demon that had plagued him, but maybe a little piece of that devil had broken off and made its way down and through Salvaged, maybe it had spent two months in Kaena's womb, festering and rotting inside of her, growing stronger all the while. She had taken to the Atotoztli so easily, perhaps because they had offered her a chance at greatness and power, but she had taken easily to their rituals, she had discovered her affinity for tezcatlipoca; she had become a Tetzcatli with ease, and quickly. Maybe there was something in the blood she'd inherited, too—but she had not been able to see that, nor had she been able to discern through factual evidence anything of her past.

She did not regret Eterne, but maybe if she had remained here, maybe if she hadn't listened to Astaroth, she would know something of her father, her mother, even. Maybe she would know something of her heritage and history, but she was blind, pathetic, and terribly young. This was the closest she had come to the purest of evils, but maybe there was something in her yet for the way she looked at him. His nose pressed against hers, and the sable-furred hybrid shivered as his touch, electric coursing over her body from the point where they touched. His nose brushed her cheek, and automatically her head tilted to the side, the curve of her neck exposed to the sallow teeth of the elder canine. Her throat was his; it belonged to him as plain as the pale-furred canine's had, though certainly there was no literal shared blood here. Maybe whatever lurked inside each of them were siblings, spawned from the same cesspit—but certainly, the chocolate-furred one was the elder by several centuries at the least.

Eris remained still, hardly daring to even twitch against him, though the distinctive feeling of warmed breath on her neck made her want to press herself against him and touch him, devouring him whole—but she was dominated here, clearly, and her will was less important than his. Though hopelessly arrogant at times, Eris was not so foolish as to believe herself superior to this gorgeous creature of shadow.

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