It's Adventure Time!
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Sorry about the wait. I just had my finals week. Shouldn't be an issue again for a good, long while

Delwyn shook himself dry with as much force as he could muster, sending water flying everywhere. Then his blazing, orange eyes swept the area. The cave was naturally bright and surprisingly deep: he couldn't see all the way in! The precocious pup was already excited about the prospect of exploring, even with the stress of falling off a waterfall leaving him shaking uncontrollably.

When Harlowe emerged out of the water behind him, Delwyn grinned from ear to ear, "You're okay! I'm glad to see you made it down." Delwyn turned back towards the cave and in a distant voice continued, "I did go under the water. A little longer and I wouldn't have made it back up" he said, and then with a turn towards Harlowe he said, "but it was worth it to make sure nothing bad happened to my friend."

Padding forward softly, Delwyn approached a small grouping of stalactites and stalagmites. They were smooth and so slick with moisture they almost appeared to be organic. It took all of Delwyn's willpower to resist tasting it: he didn't want to look like a fool so soon after falling off a waterfall. "Do you want to see where this cave goes?" asked he. "It's all right if you don't."


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