And they say grown ups are no fun

WC: 381

He was looking for more when Amaranth showed him what sea glass looked like, he stared at it, that was definitely beautiful, and he started digging through the sand for some. He wasn’t in too much luck, and thought it probably would be easier if he had something he could sift all the sand through and catch any rocks or shells.

It is too bad I don’t have my chicken wire, we could sift through some of this,

He said as he moved around the area, picking up all different kinds of things he thought would look nice. He picked up an exceptionally pretty shell where it was all different colors when you moved it. It looks almost like a rainbow of blues purples and pinks, he was sure to keep it just for that even though the shell outside was plain white. Then he made a nice discovery near the rocks, he’d found a Conch, it was not too big, but it was no small thing either. This was definitely turning out to be fun.

Hey and maybe when we are done here, I’m sure we can find things further up shore. I know how to make things too, so if you find something and think it could be made into something I’ll see what I can do and show you!

He said excitedly, he didn’t know the six month old would probably find some kind of fern and ask him to make it out of a tent or something… that’s what most would do, but he wasn’t a pup anymore and that was all lost to him now that he was older and he remembered little from when he was with his parents. Then he spotted something moving toward the water, he moved and picked it up, it was a crab, as soon as it lifted from the ground it snapped onto his hand and he yelped in surprise and pain, his hand flung it, and it dropped on the sand, it’s claws out and defensive.

What the heck…

He stared at the crab curiously, he’d never seen one, he never went to the poisoned beaches of Florida if he could help it so he knew little of sea life. He looked over at amaranth.

Apparently… these hurt.

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