Confusing Circumstances

WC: 335 OOC: if I got anything wrong just let me know, and fully understand get that moving done, the thread’ll be here Big Grin

She smiled sweetly as the young pup was trying to figure out the ways of the world, she could understand why he thought they needed to be in the ground and she figured, she would help him with his slight mistake.

No it won’t grow in the ground, but if they didn’t pick it now the plant would not be of use to those who have need of it, it will die and then they won’t have that plant, some things like grass will grow and grow, but other things, well they tend to have only a short time before withering

She explain softly to the cub, letting her tone make sure to tell him, he was not in trouble at all and she would keep his accidental mishap to herself. She followed him as he picked up the plants and put them back where he found them, she then looked around, it was a place for herbs and spices, and she noticed a spot where there were dried seeds and suddenly had an idea, she wasn’t a huge green thumb but she certainly knew how to plant seeds.

I have an idea, young one, I’ll show you what can go in the ground, and it will be just as green as the picked plants you found!

She said, looking at the pile of dried seeds ready for planting, she really hoped that she was allowed to do this, well she would at least take full blame, she was the new wolf and hopefully little Lotus wouldn’t be blamed if anyone were to come in and see some seeds were missing. There were a few slightly big, but no bigger than a nail’s back. She picked a few from each pile and bent down to show the pup.

and I promise, you won’t be in any trouble, now see these? These are seeds. They grow up just like any other plant, they just need some soil sunlight and water want to help me plant them?

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