Living Life With No Sense of Time

I actually want to be a falconer someday. When I was 14 I actually took my falconry licensing test and passed with flying colors, but I couldn't find a registered falconer who was willing to teach me. So, that dream has been pushed aside for a little while, but its one of my top ones so I'll probably go back to it the second I get a chance.

Pupil-less eyes were directed toward the sound of Niro's voice as he now offered to pull a chair up for her. He seemed surprised by the revelation that she couldn't see. Most were, and she did not mind at all. It was actually quite nice of him to make the gesture, as it eased some of her feelings of embarrassment. Perhaps if he pulled a chair up for her it would jog her memories of the large meeting room. "Sure, now that you put it that way. Thank you very much," she replied, taking a few steps toward the man, waiting to hear the sound of the chair moving before going towards it to sit down.

When the man commented on how much responsibility her position carried the slate and ivory woman could not help but smile, nodding in agreement. "It does seem a bit overwhelming now and then, but my friends seem to think I'm doing okay so far," she replied, somewhat unsure of whether or not her friends were just being nice or if they really meant it. Who was she kidding, of course they meant what they said. None of her friends had ever led her astray. Well, not intentionally at least, and she could not hold them responsible for those few accidental occasions.

What Niro said he wanted to be confused her somewhat. She had never heard that term before. Falconer was it? What did such an individual do? Obviously it had something to do with hunting or so Niro had said, but to what extent? "Forgive me, but I'm not sure what a falconer is. What makes being a falconer different from being a hunter?" She knew what falcons were, at least someone had told her once that they were a kind of bird, but that was the extent of her knowledge. To her, most birds were just that, birds. She could recognize a few species by their songs, but she only knew those because people had pointed them out to her over the course of her life. She did not have the slightest clue what falconry, or falcons had to do with hunting.


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