think of me fondly

=D whee! your writing is so pretty! // WC:335

Lost in thought, the rustling of the branches and leaves around her did not register as anything more than the wind. She didn't feel the urge to cry... but she didn't feel any urge at all. It was just emptiness. A part of her had been quietly hoping that Anu would look for her, like she always used to. Not this time, though. Colibri was back to the beginning, incomplete, unwanted. Maybe she should be begging Anu to tell her exactly what went wrong, so that they could fix whatever broken relationship they had. The energy just wasn't there, though. She didn't need to hear what the Lieutenant General thought of her -- those doubts had been present in her own mind from the start. If she avoided it long enough, everything would go away... just go away...

"Ah! Eh, Ehno! You, I didn't s-see you there," she yelped, startled hands flying to her mouth. She flashed an awkward smile, quickly smoothing the dirt from her haunches as she stood -- and promptly wincing as the low branches of the apple tree showered down against her bruised head. Calm down, you look like an idiot! she hissed inwardly, trying to compose herself before the senior carpenter's gentle gaze.

Ehno was one of the kindest souls she had encountered in this territory, and she found herself trying too hard to make a good impression, as well as embarrassed that he had stumbled upon her looking so downtrodden. It wasn't like she had such a hard life. Sure, the love of her life had just fallen out of love with her... but she would recover... right? "Are you happy?" she asked suddenly, blue eyes alight with a simple curiosity. The times she had seen him -- at the lakeside, at the pack meeting, hunting in the snow -- he always seemed so easy-going and relaxed. She could use any advice she could get at this point; she didn't have a lot of friends she could turn to.

Table by Shannon!


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