for all that i've blessed

Happy belated bday to Cambi~! And lol, my slowness makes this thread ooold. I'll try to be fast fast with it so we can finish it up. o:

It was always the tears that stung him the most. To Ehno, those tears spoke louder of her outrage and sorrow than her words ever could. He very nearly flinched at the combination of the sight of those tears and the sound of each shaky word as she spoke. He had caused his niece so much grief, and the evidence of it was right there before him. The Marino never intended to hurt anyone with what he did, but that didn’t justify the pain he’d caused. It didn’t make it hurt any less for Cambria. He wanted so desperately to take the pain away, but couldn’t even begin to see how, when he was now the root of it.

“No,” he nearly whispered, voice wanting to hide in his shame. He couldn’t possibly begin to imagine how much this all had pained her. Ehno had seen the sorrow that had engulfed her after the accident, had seen the way she desperately avoided the sight of him within recent weeks, but he couldn’t truly be able to understand how much she was hurting. The thought of that made him feel even more pathetic and terrible about how he had hurt her without even thinking. His gaze lowered back to the floorboards. “I was stupid. I am stupid,” he corrected, words picking up a slight tone of harsh, self-degradation. “I should have been able to see how much it would have hurt you, but I didn’t. I was too blind and foolish to see it.” Too foolish and naïve in believing that he could make everything work out for everyone.

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