But you give me the electric twist

*squee* 300+

There was no hesitation from Mati, and soon their lips were locked and her eyes fluttered closed, losing herself completely in their connection. This was what she wanted. To always have the other woman's taste upon her lips, to always have her strong hands holding her close. Those little touches were all that was require for her earlier heat to come back full force. Her body was flushed with the intense need, but still she didn't move to take things faster. Cambria wanted to go slow, to explore this to its full potential. This wasn't something that could or should be rushed. This was important, for the both of them, for them as a couple. They still had never said if they were a couple or not, but Cambi had a hard time imagining them as anything less. She certainly didn't want them to be less. She wanted to be with Mati. She wanted the world to see who her heart belonged to and she didn't care what anyone thought. With feelings like these, nothing else mattered.

Mati gave her a grounding while at the same time sweeping her off her feet. It gave the Marino something to focus on, something to hold onto. Yet at the same time she felt weightless whenever they were together and her stomach did excited somersaults. It was a paradox, the way the Church fey made her feel, but maybe that was what love was. You could give it all the definitions and explanations you wanted, but you couldn't truly understand it until you finally felt it yourself. It was more than words, more than any voice could give credence to. It was wholly different than familial love, of which the girl had bountiful amounts of. That was easier to give a definition to, something she had known from her earliest days. This was a completely different entity though. It was vast and deep and mysterious as the ocean. It was raging and calm at the same time. It was wonderful.

She felt the need flowing into her through their connected lips. She wasn't the only one who felt that enormous desire. Cambria kissed Mati back just as passionately, moving her body as close to the other female's as she possibly could. One of her hands also moved to Mati's neck, gently holding onto the soft fur, rubbing it between her fingers. Even that wasn't enough though. She wanted to be closer, to intertwine their bodies until they were indistinguishable from one another. Her mouth opened for breath, but after grasping that precious air her tongue moved out to lick at the other fey's lips. Cambria's other hand came to rest on Mati's side, softly running her fingers up her ribs.

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