wonder where I've been [j]

His words raised a response in her blue eyes, Conors’ name doing something for her emotions. A spread of warmth consumed her chest as the sable girl remembered the lavender eyed male speaking to her so long ago. A light appeared in her blue eyes while her face remained a transparent mask. The hair along her spine lifted as a child meandered down her vertebrates. Conor had attempted to take care of her, unlike many others, but when the war had started it seemed like it wouldn’t be so.

Her eyes closed for a second and the azure eyes lost the spark of soul they had held for only a few seconds. There weren’t many things that could make her feel, but Conor had been one of them. Opening her cerulean gaze again on the stranger they were again empty as she stared at him.

It was her name being announced into the air that made her ear swivel back. No other movement occurred, only the turn of an ear and the remaining hair still raised on her back. Night’s heart began to race, blood flowing faster in her veins and arteries. She didn’t know the feeling to be excitement; to her it was only another cause for feeling.

Conor soul had stepped into the conversation, leaving the sable girl consumed with emotion she wasn’t used to feeling. Her gaze shifted only after he spoke to her. It was a fleeting glance one that was sparked with heat. A deadly smirk lifted her mouth and she looked away again, not anywhere in general. ”I don’t know. Here and there.” It was more then she usually said, but the circumstances were right. He was the leader after all.


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