they crash around me

"No." he said with a tone of finality, almost the instant of Andre's demand. "You found a knife and lunged for the kill at the very first provocation. You wouldn't be responsible with anything I had to teach you." There was no venom in his words, no hatred; Skoll didn't have these things for the young Lykoi. As far as he knew, this one had never taken a life before at his young age, but he could tell that his family had turned him into the same monster the rest of them were. He seemed almost like a duplicate of his mother...all hostility, no diplomacy.

He wouldn't be responsible for making this hot-head Lykoi any more potent than he was already going to be. To someone like Skoll, his danger came from his knife alone, and the big wolf considered taking them from him. Ultimately he decided against it. More of them could be found in the Concrete Jungle, taking this one wouldn't do much in the long run, only make the kid want to come back to Storm for revenge. Hell, he might be planning to do that already, supposing he hadn't figured out that the discrepancy in their capabilities.

Wordlessly he studied the youth, wondering what would come next. Another attack? Cursing like he'd known the day he went to speak with the Inferni leader about her children? Steely silence at the rejection of his 'proposal'? It was hard to tell with someone who had been raised to think in such insane patterns. Skoll's eyes could anticipate movements, but other things were harder, and he didn't have a whole lot of experience in conversing with people like the Lykois.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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