When I leave for the night I ain't coming back

Hum dee dum, Tangi's first RPd spazz attack <3

Mood: Normal (she's stupid bi-polar, so this will help <3)

Word Count: 326

Ignoring the spinning scenery, Tangi sat up and winced as she bent her injured elbow funny, clutching it instinctively. A wolf swam into focus before the rest of the world popped into view with startling clarity, and it wasn't until then that she realised that the wolf was on the ground and getting up with support from the horse. She tracked the female with narrowed eyes, her earlier joy dashed and trampled on by that damn rider. She didn't blame the horse; he just went where he was told. But didn't the wolf notice a red wolf, who wasn't exactly small, in her path?

Tangi got to her feet, using a fence post behind her as support, and flexed her tail back into shape. It throbbed, but she'd felt worse. It would heal, and her elbow was just a bruise, and yet the rider seemed to have badly injured her shoulder. Frowning, she answered the stranger's question huffily. "I'm fine. Are you okay?" She was pissed, but still was worried about the female's health. Ignoring a deeper part of her that screamed obscenities and clawed at her mind to pummel the stranger into the ground, she rubbed her bruised on last time before taking a tentative step towards the woman, her face as full of concern as she could muster.

Changing her mind at the last moment, rather than pushing her luck as her anger screamed louder, she stopped and turned instead to face the horse who glared at her with ears laid flat. She walked right up to him, always within his sight, and put a loose hand by his nose. He sniffed deeply, and, satisfied by her intentions, snorted and pushed his velvet nose into her palm. He realised it had all been a big misunderstanding, and Tangi was glad he thought so as she rubbed his nose and scratched down his snout. She always kept one eye on the female, awaiting a response.

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