noise pollution
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His words made her feel hopeful that she was not a lost case. She wondered if he would be able to call this place home. Or would he go back to his Russia and forget about this place? Her face tilted as her thoughts were taken by the wind. She chose not to wonder if he had a dark haired lady back at home, but wondered generally about the life he had left back there across the great sea. Her fingers gripped tighter around the branches supporting her and she wondered if his words in reality had been a queue for her to turn her nose to the mansion and leave this tree. His face did not support that belief—there was still warmth in his ice orbs.

She considered her final words, wondering again what exactly he meant. ”You could find a home in the mansion,” she decided to suggest. It was a stupid thing to say and she regretted it immediately after, but by then the words had been said. ”Speaking of which, I better get home,” if the snow continued falling then she would have to scuffle through it back to the mansion, and she did not wish for that. Although he had made her feel comfortable, there seemed to be a lot of tension lurking as well. She did not like that. She did not like what she couldn’t understand.

Her ruby gaze finally released him and peered downwards as she, rather clumsily, started to work her way down.

Table credit: Marit(Dawali)


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