But you give me the electric twist

Big Grin 500+

Someday, and probably soon, she would have to tell Mati about Lolita and what had happened between them in the city. Cambria feared how Mati would react, and hoped that it wouldn't hurt her. Even more so, she hoped that it wouldn't degrade her in the other female's eyes at all. What had happened hadn't been intentional on her part, she hadn't known what was going on. That didn't change the fact that it had happened though. Didn't change the fact that she hadn't been pure and untouched when her heart had grown to care for the Church wolfess. This knowledge that she had, her lover would want to know where it came from. Cambi wouldn't lie to her, would never lie to her, but she was scared of what the truth might cause. In this moment though, she couldn't be afraid. She supposed she could have played ignorant, as if she were just as lost as Mati was when it came to this. It wouldn't have worked though. What Mati had seen already said that much, but even if she hadn't seen that, Cambria wouldn't be able to hold in her knowledge. She wanted to share it with the other fey, and could not keep it to herself.

She wondered, briefly, if Mati would ask now how she knew those things. The girl hoped not, she didn't want to ruin this moment, and thankfully the questions did not come yet. The other female's larger form moved gracefully to lay beside her, a hand reaching out to bring her close. Of course Cambria obliged, propping herself up on her own side and snuggling in close to the lighter fey. Mati's fingers tickled her sides anxiously and it made the girl's skin prickle beautifully. Her face leaned forward again, connecting their lips, sighing gratefully for the taste of her once more. For a moment she just lost herself in the kiss, reveling in the connection that had become so strong so fast. Cambi wanted to be able to kiss these lips whenever she wanted. She wanted to be Mati's, and Mati's only. Her heart could never be unfaithful to the artist that painted her world in the most beautiful shades of happiness.

Her lips moved, kissing along her jaw just as Mati had done to her. Fingers brushed up lightly through the fur of her abdomen until they once again reached her perfectly rounded breast. The dark fingers traced along the curve, memorizing it with her touch. They then brushed up to the peak, a single fingertip rubbing gently against the nipple that hid beneath the richly colored fur. Cambi's kisses reached the top of Mati's neck and then her tongue drew down it, reaching the prominent collarbone. Ivory teeth nibbled delicately against the skin that covered the bone, drowning in the wonderful taste of her skin. The nipple beneath her fignertips had become hard with her loving stimulation and she pinched it lightly. The heat in her loins was becoming more and more prominent, and she wedged one of her legs between Mati's, locking their lower limbs together.

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