let the rain fall down

D: sorry for wait<3

It was rare for him to travel around these particular tracks, but he saw no negative aspects about exploring and get a better overview of what Novia Scotia had to offer. Rain followed him as it usually did these days, but it was only welcomed by the golden yearling. His head needed rest; but there was no rest for a brain pampered with thoughts and worries. He thought it could be an idea to visit Anselm or Rurik to see if he could get his hands on some good cannabis to stress down some. Fingers brushed some of his thick fringe away from vividly hued eyes and he continued following his feet as best he could, though his mind was absent and elsewhere.

Suddenly his eyes caught the form of the resting coyote girl and he hesitated. She was too far away and the wind was not cooperating enough for him to be able to identify where she belonged. Her form was petite and slimmer than that of a wolf though. There was no anger or resentment within the golden male, because Dahlia had buried the battle axe for good. The yearling thought back at the gathering with the Russo male and let a pale smile grace his lips. It had been a good start in forging a better relationship with some of the canines Haku had gone against. He was curious about this girl though. ”Hey,” the male called out softly, allowing her to determine his next move.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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