Riding a Dirtbike down a Turnpike [aw]
I actually didn't know! I'm not sure I was around when Deirdre was a playable character! But I do thank you for playing Than's daughter and look forward to RPing with you!

No rush was needed regarding an answer from the lands. He could have stood at those borders forever, the wind lightly tousling his hair in such a manner as his mother used to. The scents that it ushered in were paints to the palette, splashing color over the desaturated background that was previously his existence away from his home and family. The scents of the other wolves, some of them vague in familiarity sketched vague stick figures of Fatin, Shaeniire, Mordulin, Chael, Tsunami and Hearse in his head, animating the shapes into life, that life into the joy that lit up the wolf's eyes like Christmas morning.

The wind whispered in Thanos' ear of another approaching scent, and so tattooed muzzle swung round to greet the oncoming female before she was even visible, teal eyes focused on the point at which she would emerge over the summit. A gentle smile pooled across the expanse of his muzzle as she made herself apparent, in her Optime form, no less. It was a form that Thanos only really indulged in for the purposes of painting and...other things, long since given up since he had left Hearse. Over the last few years, he had grown partial to his Secui form, particularly because it made him feel more powerful than he actually was.


But today, he was himself. His normally-leggy, still-small-for-a-male lupus form, wrapped protectively in a coat of the softest cinnamon, randomly tattooed and pierced in random, intermittent areas that would transfer over to the other forms. And he gazed upon Ember, lowering himself into a greeting bow slightly reminiscent of a play-bow, though more fluid and elegant.
"Thank you." he answered brightly, still grinning. "My name is Thanos Niire. Former Spaher of Jaded Shadows. I...I tried to go home. But it wasn't there."
He cast his gaze down slightly. What had happened.
"This place smelled the most familiar. I was wondering...if I might be able to stay here. I have a number of talents. I'm an artist and a storyteller. I also have the nose of a world-class scout, not to brag or anything."
Thanos grinned bigger, in spite of himself. That boy was never going to grow up.

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