think of me fondly

Ahh, you flatter me! ^//^; I'm sorry for the shortness and delay this post suffers from. D:

His greeting seemed to snap the lady abruptly from her reverie, eliciting a startled response from her. A silent apology flashed within his eyes. “Ah, it’s fine. I almost missed you myself.” A couple of real observant ones, they were. As if to further prove this point, Colibri stood and bumped her head against a few of the branches above her. “Careful there,” he said, a slightly playful smile lighting up his face. He offered Colibri a hand to help her step out from beneath those overbearing branches of the tree.

The chocolate-furred girl spoke up, her question simple, but so sudden that it was altogether unexpected. Ehno simply blinked for a moment, quiet as he contemplated what prompted such a question—or how he could respond. It wasn’t something his thoughts necessarily dwelt on often. The Marino was one to take everything one day at a time, savoring the simple joys in life and moving past the bad things as quickly as he could. But he never specifically thought about how happy he felt; he just was. It was certainly a curious question, but considering how downtrodden the young woman had seemed a moment before, perhaps it wasn’t so out of place. The Italian found himself nodding as he began to speak. “Well, I suppose I am. Gotta keep the good things in your thoughts. It helps keeps the bad feelings away, I guess,” he said, that smile of his still hanging from his lips.


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