like a river runs to the sea
Link in OOC to Google Translator, just in case. Smile

Google Translator

Pendzez watched as his beloved mate sat down nexted to him, eager to learn more about the language that was he was fluent in. Japanese had different grammar than English, but to actually pronounce the words were partly easy and partly hard. He had to start off with somethings easy, that way she would get used of the language change of the words. The words in Japanese are sometimes longer than English.

He looked upon her as he thought of something to start off with for a basics. He should probably start with the greetings and farewells before striking a conversation. "Ok then. こんにちは、 Xeris。お元気ですか?" He spoke so fluently and slowly so she could get the wordings. "Hello, Xeris. How are you?" he spoke as a translation. "Kon. Ni. Chi. Wa. Kon'nichiwa. Hello."

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