[M] Imagine
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I sent pm to caillen account a few days ago ;o 300+

All she could think about was what pressed against her soft fingers and lower belly. She felt the strangest urge to cry, and blinked slowly with ruby eyes lustrous with unshed tears. Even if he did not understand what was happening, this male leaned against it and instinctively knew what he longed for. He pushed against her soft touch and she let a few fingers run along the length of his member. She did not dare to glance down and see the thing that she hated and feared so—forced her gaze to stay upon his face, though she found that she loathed the bliss coating it. It was so very ugly and the pressure within rose to paint the back of her throat with the taste of copper.

There were many ways to do this as the boy was inexperienced and inferior to her in every way possible, but if the positioning of the blade was wrong he could still deal damage to her or even twist away. He could not be allowed to do that, because Halo had a message she wanted to promote. The fingers that so delicately had caressed his most sensitive area lifted swiftly to brush one of his hands away from her hip, and in return—as some sort of amend to the split moment where her fingers had left his manhood, she twisted slightly and let her fingers run firmer over the smooth skin.

In the meanwhile, the arm that previously had been missing brushed against his side and under his arm. Her elbow bended and locked him closer—she knew he certainly wouldn’t mind that in his current situation—before she let the cold steel reach up and press gently against the vulnerable area above the spot where shoulder and throat connected. She smiled then, finding it a bit amusing to see the silvery metal peek up and over the aroused male’s shoulder. Had she been forced to reach around his arm as well he could too easily have bumped her away, but he was trapped now and the beautiful woman smiled.

”What about now?” the Hydra innocently wondered as her soft fingers turned hard and sharp around his erection. ”Does that feel nice?” her voice was not the same—it raged and twisted with her disgust. She wasn’t angry: she was furious. His eyes could be as blue as they liked, because she could only see Samael’s blood red hue.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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