.can't kill a man when he's dead
Styx Kirr-Calatoerio

Falling in the black

Slipping through the cracks

Character Name: Styx.
Character Birthdate: March 25th, 2005
Regular wolf or a Luperci: Good Ol' Timber Wolf.
Your e-mail: pazel_dazzle@yahoo.com">spazel_dazzle@yahoo.com
A secondary form of contact: AIM - PraiseJeanne_Jr
How did you learn about 'Souls?: Your affiliation with Sublunary Abyss.

Styx let his eyes wander before him. The terrain lay in vast proportions, giving birth to endless greenery. Forests sprouted from the land in heavy density. But slightly to the north of him was an area of death, the earth, the trees, the very spirit of the place was lacking life. Styx averted his eyes from it, any kind of death reminded him of his parents. His legs worked under him like pistons, carrying him to the borders of the pack. He desired, craved, to be once more part of a pack, to be included in the hullabaloo of everyday life within a blossoming family unit. Styx was not cut out for the life of a loner, though he'd played the part moderately well most of his life. No, he would no longer be the forgotten child, he would push himself and he would make himself known to the world.

It had taken quite a while to get where he now was. Location wise, that is. The Vales dispersed and Styx was left with no home, so he'd wandered aimlessly. And he'd made it to the water. Luck was with him, a massive amount of it. The tide was at it's lowest point for the entire year. Styx could feel a deep pull, the sea was drawing him in and he moved with it. Walking across the exposed sand bridge until it melted back to water and he pushed on, swimming the rest of the way. There before him was land, so full of life, smells, sights. Styx knew he'd found the place he wanted to be his home. And as he made his way across the island he found this place was different, far different. You see Styx had never seen a werewolf, no, the Vales was a long line of pure wolves. But so far he had still yet to actually met a werewolf, he'd simply scented them.

So here he stood, on the edge of a new life, ready to launch himself at whatever was thrown his way. His tail wagged slowly behind him as he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the scent of the pack, then threw back his head a sang his entrance to the world.

Falling to the depths can I ever go back?


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