Bravery or just stupidity


OOC:If you want we can get this wrapped up pretty soon ^^

Niro was quite glad to get onto another subject. He felt bad for her, not fitting in with any pack, maybe some wolves just weren’t meant to be in a pack, he contemplated telling her that as he pulled the tree to its final destination. They’d reached the cliff with the other tree awaited him.

Well… maybe you don’t really belong in a pack at all, I mean you’re nice enough for a wolf but not all wolves are meant to to be in a pack

He said hoping the way he worded his words were right, he hated his inability to socialize well with others to not sound rude. He dropped the tree he was pulling and then moved to the first tree, he pulled it so that half of it was on one side of the cliff and the other was just over it, then he tilted it and pushed, hoping it got enough momentum to miss the cliff walls and fall to the sandy beach below. He pulled the second tree up to the cliff, on a different location though, it wouldn’t do if he had the trees fall on each other and get damaged more than the fall would cause, he did the same with the second tree as he did with the first, he could hear the thud as it fell to the sandy beach below. Then he looked at Lucia smiling a little, glad for the company even though it wasn’t his best company he had.

Now, pretty much well, I’ll really get started tomorrow, I’ve got all the time on my hands. Not much more to do but hunt

he said, smiling at her. He knew she changed the subject, but if she didn’t feel comfortable answering him he could understand, it was hard not fitting in. he didn’t when he was in florida…

so where’s this easy way you were talking about?

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