journey's end, or merely beginning

D'oh, had meant to mention that in the ooc field; yes, Gvihita is visible Smile
WC: 380

He studied her as she introduced herself and spread her body into a deep bow. Dawali did not care much for formalities, but something in this situation made him reconsider. It was not because he liked to be bowed to, but rather that he found her actions more profound than the average formal gesture. He had not seen the exact likes before, but he recognized the meaning; AniWayans would often lay down their bow or spear and step away from it in a situation that demanded submission. It had been so long since he had seen anyone do such things, and he regretted the fact that he had forgotten it. In exposing oneself, one granted the other complete control, and also complete trust. He nodded at her words and spoke calmly, one small sentence before she was able to continue. "Please, rise."

As she spoke, the Chief nodded in the appropriate places, and though he was giving her his full attention, his mind flew for a moment and remembered the strange warrior that had once aided him in a quest to protect his people. She, too, had carried herself with the same dignity as this female did, and though they were vastly dissimilar, Dawali knew they were the same kind of female. Ayegali, too, was one of them, and he admired them greatly. As Eztli finished speaking, stating that she had picked AniWaya after studying all the packs, Dawali smiled, quite proud and very nearly showing it. Most who joined them did so either because they already knew someone here, or because AniWaya happened to be the first place they stumbled upon. It was a confirmation of his way of life to learn that she considered his tribe to be the better place to live. Gvihita studied the female, her face unmoving and expressionless (how much emotion can a beak convey?), and behaved in every way as a normal eagle would, aside from the fact that she sat atop his shoulder. "I see. We might very well have room for you; do you have any skills in particular that could be of use to us?" Two pairs of yellow eyes, eagle and wolf, studied her intently, and Dawali found himself drawn to her little trinkets. Ember would love those, probably.

Awesome sexy table by Kat! Smile

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