I stare into this mirror

This is more of a fail. D; (456)

The sable-shaded woman was always glad to see her family had expanded; it was her pride and joy, stemming from herself and herself alone. No one but her had created this. Her parents had created her; her mother had insured Kaena would always remember that. Neither parent had truly raised her, however—both were insane or dead before they could lend anything concrete to Kaena's adolesence. From there it was Kae by her lonesome, until she had come across the peculiar thing called a coyote clan. This was family, moreso than anything she had ever know. The first real relationships she'd crafted in her life were with those from the Darklands clan—Raptor and Svenlia and Riot and Zarah. They were her first real family, and later it had been Inferni to provide the same thing, birthed by herself and Zarah. This and her family were Kaena's greatest joys, and she reveled in not only her position in the clan but her position at the head of the Lykoi family. Gabriel had been the one to carry them onward when she had gone, certainly, but as the Aquila, it was clear where his greatest interest was. Kaena, if forced to choose between the two, would have chosen her family. It had not always been so—as the Aquila, the Inferni clan had taken precedence over the Lykoi bloodline. She understood his position, and so she could not judge him for his actions as the leader, even if had cost her Andrezej.

“Your brother, Mkhai,” the hybrid corrected herself, naming the boy. “You have others?” the silvery hybrid asked, grinning at the thought. How many were there? Was there a veritable army of unknown, fatherless Lykoi children outside of their borders, waiting to seep into Inferni's perimeter? “Perhaps they will arrive, sooner or later,” the silver-shaded woman said, nodding her head at the younger canine's words. “Inferni and the Lykoi family is glad to have you, Sepirah. I am especially glad,” the hybrid woman said, a rare full smile crossing her scarred face, twisting its features in an almost nightmarish fashion, though this was simply the silver-shaded woman's expression of joy, however rare and fleeting it was. “I've lived in Inferni most of my life. I can teach you almost anything you would want to know,” the hybrid said, pride filtering into her voice at mention of her longevity (however non-consecutive and spotty it was) and role in the clan. Clearly this was one of the areas of her like where she took great pride, and the silver-shaded woman enjoyed sharing this knowledge with others. The more she shared their history, the better. Someday, she still wished to find someone capable of writing it down for her.

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