Living Life With No Sense of Time

She felt Niro tense when she touched his chest, so she had tried to find the egg as quickly as possible. She had been so excited to touch the egg that she had forgotten her manners momentarily. She didn't like being touched by new aquaintances. It only made sense that others were the same way, "Sorry about that, Niro. I got ahead of myself," she apologized, now with her soft hands on the egg. He explained that the egg was bound to hatch any day now and she couldn't help but grin in excitement for the male. This bird was going to be his companion, his hunting partner, and hew as going to raise it. It was an extraordinary task to undertake, at least in her mind, for she hadn't the slightest idea of how to raise, let alone train, birds.

His next offer made her smile even more. She would love to meet his chick when it was hatched. Of course, she didn't want Niro to feel any need to hurry whatsoever. The blind woman hoped that he would wait until the chick was older and stronger before even thinking of travelling with it. Though the Chien Hotel was not all that far from the cabin she shared with Heath, it was still a fair distance to be exposing a young animal to. Then again, Niro obviously knew what he was doing so it was likely that Ruri did not need to worry at all. "I'd like that very much, Niro. Whenever you feel that the chick is ready, feel free to bring it by for a visit." She had accepted his offer with the utmost gratitude and excitement. She looked forward to getting to meet the young eagle.


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