dreamer's disease.

Sorry for the wait; my friend was visiting from Virginia, and I couldn’t get on long enough to post.

Her eyes seemed to wander; it was apparent that she’d seen something. He automatically turned around and looked for whatever she’d been eyeing – he had a feeling, however, that he would not see it himself. There was something about her stare that gave him an eerie feeling, and his stomach did a summersault. Usually, this happened when he thought a girl was pretty (and this was true of her), but more so, he was slightly unsettled. This would prove to be the first encounter he had with a less-than-friendly wolf, and he didn’t know whether he was interested or afraid. Maybe a little of both.

She gave him one word for an answer, which wasn’t much to work from. He hated being the one to make conversation; he was bad at it. He wasn’t smooth, like some wolves were. He frowned a little, thinking hard about how to engage her. Sadly, engaging others was not one of Kansas’ talents. He stayed where he was, his tail still, his hands moving involuntarily before his chest. How awkward. “Uh…” he began. “What are you doing out here?”


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