Saturday night and I've been saving
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It's fine~

####Lolita knew the circumstances of her existence, but she knew that they confused others easily. She did not blame them--it was very rare to find someone who was dead, after all. She hated being questioned about it, but she could not very well ignore the questions. They were to be expected. She felt that she was obligated to tell people that they were in the presence of a dead woman, but she could never truly expect them to fully understand. Explaining her existence was difficult, but she felt it was necessary. "Have you ever seen a dead body, Daisuke?" she asked, eyes narrowing at the idea.

####"They decay. Dead bodies do not remain intact. Eventually, there is nothing but a pile of bones left. For a long time before that, though, there is a mess of disgusting, rotting, dead flesh," she said, a wretched taste filling her mouth as she described it. Lolita had seen dead bodies in many stages of decay, and she never wanted that to happen to her body. "I can never stop my body from walking, but unless I do something to keep it intact--in this case, smoking--it will begin to rot, just like every other dead body. I will have to exist like that forever." It was the onl.y way she could think of to potentially end her existence, since she could not die again, but it would take far too long and it would be far too horrific.


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