Straight Jacket Fashion

Table by Alli
OOC:Ewh long wait on my part, my bad.

After some rustling inside of the room, the door cracked open. Purple eyes came from behind the dark interior of the room and the dark of the male's hair that draped over his eyes some. Cotl pushed his hands against the door. Y'all know I'm 'wake, right. Reckon y'all could keep yer voice down. I ain't exactly alone in this room. the male spoke to Cotl. Cotl cocked a pierced brow at the other male. Cotl cleared his voice as a creature had run up and climbed up the back of the taller yote and sat on his shoulder. Cotl's face twisted into a look of disbelief. Cotl hadn't ever seen anyone have a relationship with anything like the creature on the male's shoulder. In fact...Cotl was sure that his family were more keen to killing these creatures that the male had made a sour look appear on his face. His audits bent back, and bi-colored orbs narrowed on the beast on the male's shoulder. Die fick ist das? the German asked, hand raising and pointing at the creature.

There'd better've been a fire, or y'all're gonna get a door in yer face. the brown male went on to say. Cotl cocked a brow of disbelief at the other male. Oh, really Cass? the male took a mocking tone, as if the male wouldn't do it. Cotl knew that he wouldn't. Cass was too nice for it. Cotl twitched his shoulder before he continued. NYEH- Du need to get out und plant some seeds vith me in die green house. Cotl got straight to the point. That's the only reason Cotl was coming and banging on his door. Cotl just wanted to spend some time with his housemate. Was that a crime? Maybe for a metal head like him...



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