((Eep that avatar is beautiful xD Thanks SO much, It's just how I would imagine Belle x3 For some odd reason it wont let me upload the Avi yet, but I'm sure I will get the hang of it somehow xD))

Her eyes swivelled around her, grasping her surroundings. Even with the small
amount of light, Belle could tell this was a beautiful place. The woman told her
of the peaceful nature of this pack, and the pup instantly felt warmed inside.
Strong yet gentle arms carried her towards a stangley huge building, but the
fem did not bother to look to hard at it, she was too tired. She felt the shudder
of feet on steps as the woman carried her limp body up a stairwell. She felt
the fem stop as if looking for somthing, and then carry on taking her someplace-
somewhere. Scarlet, blood- red eyes glanced at a platform of some sort- and
the woman placed her on it. It felt soft, warm- and delightfully comfortable.
Belle had never experienced such a soft place in which to sleep- was this
where all the wolves of this pack slept? On a luxorious soft bed? With a jolt
Belle realised the life in which she could have here would be very different
from life where she was born- her own father had bought her and her siblings
apart from other wolves- they had lived- as her father had said- 'like the good
old days' Yet Belle did not think living with her father was very good atall...

So many thoughts and feelings, she just had to forget. She told herself again-
focus on the future, not the past. But how could she forget? Suddenly her eyes
glazed over, and a piercing dream played in her head like a sick film...

Her dad, looking her up and down slowly, a look of pure hatred on his face.
‘Who’s been a naughty girl then?’ His words echoed around the cave,
His spiteful tone nipping her ears. Behind Belle, her bothers cowered,
A look of shame and pity on their faces. ‘Trying too run away were
You?’ Again his words shook her mind, making her shiver with
Fright.- and then the brute raised his paw, bring it down too collide
With Belle’s face, and a blood-curdling scream erupted from the pup
As the sharp claws made contact with her face.

THe memory ended as suddenly as it had started, and Belle lay limply
on the bed, her eyes on the door that the woman had exited. Hot
tears dribbled down the pups face, but she wiped them away with a
swish of her paw. She was safe now, she just had to keep reminding herself.

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