like a river runs to the sea

Xeris listened to Pendzez's Japanese lesson. It was such an odd language--then again, it was an odd thought that there were so many languages and so many ways to say the same things. Someday maybe she'd go to a place where a different language was spoken. It would be an interesting experience. "Kon-nich-iwa," the woman repeated. "Konn-ichi-wa." She played with the word for a moment, testing it. "Kon'nichiwa, Pendzez!" Xeris smiled, happy that the lesson was going well so far. Of course, it would probably get much more complicated soon, but for now she would focus on the basics.

The white wolfess' golden eyes strayed from her mate for a moment to look out on the horizon. She could see the outline of the mansion in the distance, getting closer with every moment. They would be there soon. Her heartbeat quickened a little bit at the thought of what awaited them inside. It would be an adventure. The kids would probably be jealous. Perhaps they could go out to the island as a family someday.


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