When the stars fell, I knew it to be the end

She had been feeling more tired than usual, and a yawn escaped her muzzle as she looked out over the lands. She had just finished with repairing a portion of the fence that had been damaged in the last big storm; a tree had fallen over onto the chain-link and had bent and bowed it inward on itself. The leader had been the one to find the damage and had chosen to go and fix it herself with the few tools that she knew how to use.

Her work done, the dark luperci began to roll up the remaining bit of fencing that was leftover from the repair. Pale green eyes searched through the brush, looking for any bits of brown or white among the trees. Her horse, Bayard, had come with her and had helped pull the cart with the fencing on it. She would need his help to get it back to the village.

Ember's ears perked up as a long howl drifted through the trees toward her location. She picked up the pile of wires in a hurry, padding through the trees in the direction that she had last seen her steed. Ah! There he was. She tossed the wiring into the cart and lept up onto the appaloosa's back, speaking to him in low tones. They would be upon the newcomer in a matter of minutes.

The sub-leader wore no cloak today, as it was one of the warmer days, a weapons-belt strapped firmly around her waist. She often carried her sword with her on her left hip, an axe and dagger accompanying them. She displayed her weapons openly as a method of warning off wolves who would seek to do her or her pack harm. They weren't just for show, either. She knew how to use them, trained with them each morning.

The cart's wheels shook and it wobbled as they hit small bumps along the way. It didn't take long before she could see the wolf who had arrived, though, so she wasn't too worried about the cart's stability. They got to be around twenty meters away and Bayard came to a quick halt. Ember dismounted and took a few steps forward, raising one hand in greeting. "'Lo there, stranger. You've reached th' boundary of the AniWaya pack"


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