When the stars fell, I knew it to be the end

Rowan noticed the way she kept her hand close to her sword, seeming to be prepared for any action that might arise. Her accent was very strong, and in a way, it made her more powerful. At least, it seemed that way to Rowan.

"My skills, you ask? Well, I'm a very good hunter and although my fighting skills aren't perfect nor exquisite, I can defend and jump into battle when I need to. I'm not going to go and hyperbolize what I can do by saying that I'm the best there ever was because I'm not. I can bet you that there are many - no, PLENTY - of other wolves who can do a better job than me at finding food and battling. One thing you can count on with me, though, is that I am loyal and honest, no matter what. I know that's not a skill, but I figured I'd add that in, in case you were wondering if I was trustworthy."

Rowan knew it was best to tell the truth. He always knew it. That way, you wouldn't have to live up to the expectations of anyone but yourself. When someone were lie, he or she would have to live up to the expectations of someone else; someone they're not, and that's not right."Call me old fashioned, but I don't mind that I'm not perfect."

Image from Iamidaho.
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