When the stars fell, I knew it to be the end

Rowan was hesitant in his answer. He was never really in a pack before. He learned everything from his father, but what he learned was valued in order to survive. "Well," he stammered, "yeah, I guess. I mean, when you live on your own, you need to defend yourself against other wild animals. So, I mean, it helped me stay alive and get me here." Rowan looked at Ember to see her reaction. 'Should I have told her that I lived on my own? Will she think I don't know how to behave in a pack? What if she doesn't accept me? Where will I go? What will I do?' These questions raced through Rowan's mind. He was worried, but why? If he had been lived by himself, then why should he be so worried about rejection?

The silence was eery to him. It was weird to be talking to someone other than himself for once. It was...relieving. Rowan cleared his throat again before answering Ember's next question. Did he want a permenant home? Is that why he traveled here? "Yes." The answer didn't surprise him, no, but what surprised him was the confidence in his voice. He sounded very positive, so sure that he wanted a home. He was sick of being alone and having no family.

He was sick of being shrouded in darkness.

Image from Iamidaho.
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