For Every Action, There Is A Reaction

Sorry, work and school and studying oh my @_@. Oh, and Rie made me this table, isn't it spiffy? Big Grin First time using a table. Back when in the day when I used to rp, they didn't have these. Sorry for crappy quality, I'm sleepy D-:

Ciel was surprised to scent the fear on the wolf as well. He supposed that he was rather strong and the odds were in his favor against an expectant mother, but still, fear and wolf simply didn't go together in his mind. He was fascinated by how strange and surprising an encounter he was able to have with an old foe that'd terrorized him for all of his life. Bears and wolves and large cats were destined to battle tooth and nail to the end over the delicious lower animals, and yet here they were speaking kindly if not a little wearily of each other.

Even as the female appeared to calm by lowering her fur and tail, he sought to make himself less intimidating, and so he too made a show of faith and good will by stretching his front legs out and plopping down onto his belly so that he appeared less large and intimidating. It was a show of trust, as his soft, furry neck was now low enough for her to lunge at if she so wished it. He decided inwardly that he rather liked Anu despite what she was, and he hoped that her packmates were as interesting and calm as she was.

While he had no desire just yet to have himself surrounded by an entire pack, friendly or not, he was intrigued by this strange wolf which did not immediately see him as an enemy. "Regret holds a different meaning to everyone." he began carefully, feeling as if simply saying no to her question would be incredibly presumptuous of him- after all, every wolf he'd met so far had very much resented his presence from the very beginning, but as far as he could tell, there wasn't much that he'd done to upset those wolves except to simply exist. "But I can promise to try my best not to cause any trouble, and I would respect a few rules laid out for me from your pack if it would put you all at ease." he rushed out eagerly, excitement building in him as the tone with which she'd asked the question seemed to imply that she might say yes!

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