for all that i've blessed

wc:312 fwee~

Perhaps it was his overwhelming sense of loyalty and a heavy dose of foolish, sweet ideas that had led him into this mess, but he knew that he could not have done it any other way. Ehno couldn’t look at the situation with the Manichean touch his niece did. To him, each side of the conflict, family and friend, needed help. After seeing what a mess the drugs had made of Naniko, he couldn’t view her as evil, as he knew his niece did. He didn’t expect her to understand that, nor did he expect himself to fully understand how Cambria saw the ordeal. He could only hope that it wouldn’t prevent them from ever moving on from it. The girl sunk down to the ground, gaze averted from her uncle. The Marino man tensed slightly, arms crossing over his chest in response to the nervous tension they had conjured up. He gripped his arms so tightly it was a wonder he didn’t break the skin.

A heavy silence fell between them, and Ehno did nothing to stop it. It simply settled in with the tension, making it almost palpable between them. He couldn’t keep his gaze steady on his niece, the sight of her there on the floor with sorrow and anger draped about her only serving to further fuel his own feelings of guilt. Amber gaze moved to the wall behind Cambria as the silence pushed on. It was cowardly to not face what he had done, trying to push away the guilt, but if this ordeal had shown him anything, it was that he was not perfect. The painful silence lingered on between them for a few moments more before the girl finally spoke up again. “I don’t expect you to,” he responded just as softly. The uncle willed himself to turn his gaze back to her once more.

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