wandering over daisys

Amazing table by Sara Joe

Ayita sat herself down on all fours and smiled. She hoped that the young girl was doing ok and not just doing what her daughter did and put it off. She smiled feeling better about the fact that the girl was ok. "Are you hungry or would you like to walk around and talk?" She asked. She wasn't even sure how the girl truly felt about where she was. She didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and she'd hate to do that. "Just remember sweet heart you may stay with Vigilante and I as long as you want. I hope that you are happy with us." She had to stop herself. "I'm sorry I must be making you feel awkward."

She looked at the rabbit she had caught and sighed she'd have to do better then this to keep her small family growing. She wanted to make the girl feel ok. "I hope Amaranth hasn't picked on you at all. If she does please tell me right away she can be a brat at times." Though the young girl was at her uncles a lot and also she spent much time in her wolven form anyhow.


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